Baby De Roach kept me on my toes a bit on the cruise with a bit of extra morning sickness which unfortunately is continuing on now that we're home. It's still nothing to complain about though and in general I'm feeling fit and healthy.
We had our 15 week scan and check up yesterday and all is progressing as it should be. The baby was in a face down position with the right arm and hand clearly visible held behind it's head. Here's the scan pictures for you to view.
I almost can't believe this tiny person is growing inside of me. It's something I have wanted for so many years and it has been such a long journey to get to this point it's quite the miracle. I'd be happy to have 10 more surgeries and give myself 100 more injections if that's what it takes for Rob and I to hold our own baby in our arms. We are the luckiest people in the world.